Food and garden organic waste is organic material such as food scraps, grass clippings, branches and paper towels. It can also include animal and plant-based material and degradable carbon such as timber. When organic matter breaks down in landfill sites, it produces methane. This can be dangerous, as areas with a concentration of methane can be vulnerable to the destruction brought about by fire. Accumulation of organic matter can also be a pollution agent, especially in waterways.
In contrast, organic recycling sees waste sent to either an Organic Resource Recovery Facility (ORRF) or an Advanced Resource Recovery Facility (ARRT) to be processed. Once here, it begins its process to be converted into compost, soil conditioner and mulch products.
From waste audits to helping you improve the organic waste disposal processes of your business, we can help you to improve your sustainability rates without compromising your business goals. To learn more, get in touch with our team today.
Waste Sense is a waste broker, which means there’s no incentive for us to send waste to the tip if we can avoid it. This is why almost a third of our services involve recycled waste.
Traditional waste companies make money by taking your rubbish to the tip efficiently. They negotiate better tipping rates, the more tonnage they bring to the tip annually. This means getting one big truck to come and collect all of your waste in the biggest bin possible on a timeframe that fits their schedule. We don’t have the restraints. As a broker, we analyse your waste needs and work out the best place for your waste to end up then find the suppliers that can do this in a way that fits your schedule.
We can use a traditional waste company to take advantage of their tipping efficiency or look for a specialised recycler who will find a secondary use for your waste. That might mean multiple trucks collecting plastics, cardboard, polystyrene, timber, glass and finally general waste all in the same week. But these trucks were already passing you by, and every bit of waste that gets reused rather than going to landfill is a win for everyone.